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Article Index

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World at War #83 | APR – MAY 2022

  • Operation Causeway: The Planned Invasion of Formosa, 1944
  • Greenland in World War II
  • Polish 1st Armoured Division in 44–45
  • Fatal Flaws of the Me-262

World at War #82 | FEB – MAR 2022

  • Watch on the Oder: German Strategic Alternatives, January 1945
  • War Drums Along the US East Coast
  • Crisis Arras: The Allied Counterattack
  • The Bombing of Japan

World at War #81 | DEC 2021 – JAN 2022

  • Clearing the Flanks: The Balkans, August–November 1944
  • The Imperial Japanese Navy: War Plans & War 1922–1941
  • Mexican & Brazilian Air Forces
  • United States Army Mechanized Cavalry Groups in World War II

World at War #80 | OCT – NOV 2021

  • Hannut: Tank Action 1940
  • Eyes in the Sky: Use of US ‘Liaison’ Aircraft in World War II
  • Compare & Contrast: US & Japanese Submarine Operations off Iwo Jima & Okinawa
  • The Franco-Italian Alpine Campaign of 1940

World at War #79 | AUG – SEP 2021

  • Manchukuo-Menjiang War: the Japanese-Chinese Conflict 1931–37
  • The Guns of Pointe-du-Hoc
  • The Road to Barbarossa
  • Ferdinand Schörner: Hitler’s Ideal General

World at War #78 | JUN – JUL 2021

  • Drive on Suez: Rommel Drives Deep, 1942
  • Hubert Zemke: American Fighter Commander
  • Operation Marita & the Metaxas Line
  • Berlin: A City of Blood

World at War #77 | APR – MAY 2021

  • Winter War: Finland versus the Soviet Union, 1939–40
  • Five Days at Oosterbeek: The Destruction of the British 1st Airborne Division
  • Destruction of Beta Convoy
  • USS Wahoo: A Lady Comes of Age

World at War #76 | FEB – MAR 2021

  • Operation Jupiter: Churchill’s Plan to Invade Norway, 1942
  • Fort Drum
  • Battle of the Kiev Salient
  • Hollandia: Tactical Victory, Strategic Win—Almost

World at War #75 | DEC 2020 – JAN 2021

  • Centrifugal Offensive: The Japanese Opening Offensive in the Pacific
  • Operation Tidal Wave: Raid on Ploesti
  • Breakthrough at Sedan: Blitzkrieg Comes of Age
  • Demyansk: Hitler and Goring Learn the Wrong Lessons

World at War #74 | OCT – NOV 2020

  • Munich War: Reich Geopolitics and the Potential for a European War in 1938
  • The Indian Army in World War II
  • Air Battle—Kursk
  • The Hungarian Disaster on the Don

World at War #73 | AUG – SEP 2020

  • Spring Awakening: The Third Reich’s Last Offensive
  • The Cost of French Pride
  • Second Stumbling at Schmidt
  • Operation Oboe: Borneo, 1945

World at War #72 | JUN – JUL 2020

  • Palembang: Air Assault on Sumatra, February 1942
  • Primosole Bridge: Clash of Airborne: Sicily, July 1943
  • Soviet Naval Operations on the Black Sea
  • Operation Crusader

World at War #71 | APR – MAY 2020

  • Forgotten Pacific Battles: Weapons, Tactics and Cohesion in the PTO
  • The Liberation of Crimea
  • Neutrality Patrol: The Undeclared Naval War
  • The Other Maginot Line

World at War #70 |  FEB – MAR 2020

  • Great Pacific War: War Plan Orange
  • Green Hell: Hürtgen Forest Campaign
  • 1939: The Polish Southern Front
  • Mussolini’s Military Diplomacy, 1922–40

World at War #69 |  DEC 2019 – JAN 2020

  • Breakout: First Panzer Army & Kamenets-Podolsky, March–April 1944
  • British Pacific Fleet 1944–45
  • The US Army Corps of Military Police in World War II
  • German Annihilation War: Planning and Implementation

World at War #68 |  OCT – NOV 2019

  • France 1940: Strange Victory—Strange Defeat
  • Forlorn Battles: East Prussia 1944–1945
  • Alam Halfa
  • Vacillation: German Operational Indecision During Barbarossa

World at War #67 |  AUG – SEP 2019

  • Second Battle of Changsha: Stalingrad on the Xiang Jiang
  • Operation Foxley: The Plan to Kill Adolf Hitler
  • Battle of the Tannenberg Line: Barring the Door to Estonia
  • A Victory of Circumstance: The Weather of D-Day

World at War #66 |  JUN – JUL 2019

  • Graf Spee & the Battle of the River Plate
  • Lvov 1939
  • Elsenborn Ridge: V Corps Holds the Line
  • ANZAC War in the Pacific

World at War #65 |  APR – MAY 2019

  • Operation Typhoon: Germans at the Gates of Moscow
  • Objective Metz
  • Cherry Blossom: Bougainville, November 1943-July 1944
  • Resistance in Fortress Norway

World at War #64 |  FEB – MAR 2019

  • Rats of Tobruk: Thorn in Rommel’s Side
  • Timberwolves: Terry Allen’s 104th Infantry Division
  • Operation Toenails: New Georgia, 21 June-5 August 1943
  • Soviet War Plans 1941

World at War #63 |  DEC 2018 – JAN 2019

  • Central Pacific Campaign 1943-1944
  • Pawns in an Epic Struggle: The Russian Liberation and Free Germany Movements of World War II
  • US 3rd Cavalry at Berg-sur-Moselle
  • U-852 vs. USS Wahoo

World at War #62 |  OCT – NOV 2018

  • Belchite & Teruel: Tipping Point of the Spanish Civil War
  • War Winner: Allied Lend-Lease to the Soviet Union in World War II
  • Operazione C3: Italian Plans to Invade Malta
  • Operation Causeway: Formosa-Amoy Invasion Plans

World at War #61 |  AUG – SEP 2018

  • Peaks of the Caucasus: The Axis 1942 Offensive in Southern Russia
  • Forgotten Fleet: Royal Navy in the Pacific
  • Mussolini's Army
  • Special Agent Leon Turrou in World War II

World at War #60 |  JUN – JUL 2018

  • Eisenhower's War: The General as Strategist
  • Forgotten Theater: The Aleutians Campaign
  • The Most Disagreeable and Difficult Task: Neutralizing the French Fleet in 1940
  • Debrecen: The Last Hungarian Victory

World at War #59 |  APR – MAY 2018

  • Luzon: The 1945 Campaign of Liberation
  • The Tyranny of Terrain: The fight for Hill 112 in Normandy
  • West of Stalingrad
  • Opening Pandora's Box: Chemical Weapons & Operation Sealion

World at War #58 |  FEB – MAR 2018

  • Stalin Moves West
  • Juno Beach - Canada's D-Day
  • Black Sand, Red Blood - The Battle of Iwo Jima

World at War #57 |  DEC 2017 – JAN 2018

  • Hell's Gate: Battle of the Korsun-Cherkassy Pocket
  • Japan Surrenders
  • Axis Auxiliaries or Clandestine Patriots? Serbian Collaborationist Forces
  • War-Winning Force: Building the US Army in World War II

World at War #56 |  OCT – NOV 2017

  • Bastogne: Triumph of the US Military System
  • Military Intelligence in the Pacific
  • Poland’s 10th Motorized Cavalry Brigade in 1939
  • Operation Beowulf: The German Invasion of the Baltic Islands

World at War #55 |  AUG – SEP 2017

  • Butcher & Bolt: British Commandos in Northwest Europe, 1940-1945
  • The Defense of Java, Feb-Mar 1942
  • Despite the Odds: The Story of the 30th U-boat Flotilla
  • Alligators & Buffaloes: LVTs in Northwest Europe

World at War #54 |  JUN – JUL 2017

  • Grand Strategy in the Pacific: Coral Sea and Midway 1942
  • The Escape of Jan Baalsrud
  • Cossacks of the Third Reich
  • The Battle of the River Plate

World at War #53 |  APR – MAY 2017

  • Strike-Counterstrike: Battle for Moscow, December 1941 to April 1942
  • Missed Opportunity: A Polish-Czechoslovak Alliance
  • 1st Marine Raider Battalion
  • Rommel in Egypt: Consideration of an Axis Victory in North Africa

World at War #52 |  FEB – MAR 2017

  • Sealion: Proposed German Invasion of England
  • First Battle of Tomaszów Lubelski: Poland’s Lost Victory
  • Vella Lavella: Last Act in the Solomons
  • The Battle of the River Plate

World at War #51 |  DEC 2016 – JAN 2017

  • The Miracle at Pearl Harbor: Salvaging Battleship Row
  • Malaya Campaign 1941-1942
  • Warsaw Uprising
  • Hitler’s War for Oil

World at War #50 |  OCT – NOV 2016

  • Zhukov’s War: From Stalingrad to Kursk on the Eastern Front
  • Zeros versus American Heavy Bombers
  • The Slovak Uprising, August-October 1944
  • Gray Wolves and the Ides of March

World at War #49 |  AUG – SEP 2016

  • On the Razor’s Edge: Turkey in World War II
  • Luftwaffe Airlift Capability: 1939-1945
  • The Campaign in the Southern Philippines in World War II
  • Starvation Winter: Siege of Leningrad

World at War #48 |  JUN – JUL 2016

  • Duel in the North: Field Marshal von Leeb and Leningrad, 1941
  • Development of Close Air Support in the ETO
  • The Third Battle of Changsha: 24 December 1941-15 January 1942
  • The FBI at War: Melvin Purvis in World War II

World at War #47 |  APR – MAY 2016

  • Battle of Crete 1941: Wehrmacht Airborne Forces
  • The Defense of Bataan: American/Philippine Heroic Stand in the Midst of Defeat
  • Zhukov’s Greatest Defeat?
  • Hitler’s Greatest Mistake: The Survival of Great Britain

World at War #46 |  FEB – MAR 2016

  • Yamato Unleashed: The Battle off Samar, 25 October 1944
  • Of Soviet Mice & Men: Biological Warfare & the Battle of Stalingrad
  • Nazi Germany’s Alpine Redoubt: Myth or Reality?
  • Chasing Shadows: A reassessment of the Royal Navy in the Mediterranean Sea 1940-1943

World at War #45 |  DEC 2015 – JAN 2016

  • Panzers East: Army Group Center, Summer 1941
  • Late to the Party: The US M26 Pershing Tank in World War II
  • Pappy Boyington & the Black Sheep Squadron
  • CVEs: Workhorses of US Naval Aviation

World at War #44 |  OCT – NOV 2015

  • Night Fight: Night Combat on the East Front
  • I Remember: On Patrol in Luzon
  • A Tale of Two Corps: US II Corps & II SS Panzer Corps
  • The Battle of Buq Buq
  • Did Mahan’s Dead Hand Guide Pacific Strategy, 1941-45?

World at War #43 |  AUG – SEP 2015

  • Patton’s Third Army: Northwest Europe, August - December 1944
  • The 1945 Battle of Manila
  • The Kiev Encirclement: Hitler’s Great Gamble
  • Nazi Germany’s Jewish Soldiers

World at War #42 |  JUN – JUL 2015

  • The Battle of Shanghai, August - November 1937
  • Field Marshal von Rundstedt in Normandy
  • The German Anti-Partisan War in the Ukraine
  • Food as Strategy

World at War #41 |  APR – MAY 2015

  • Mare Nostrum: War in the Mediterranean
  • The Gestapo
  • The Battle of Tengxian, 14-18 March 1938
  • Barbarossa in the Air: East Front Air War, 1941

World at War #40  |  FEB – MAR 2015

  • Rampage: Building & Breaking the West Wall
  • Stalingrad Cauldron: Operations Uranus & Ring
  • Women at War, Part I: In the Workforce
  • Women at War, Part II: In Uniform
  • Tanks in the New Guinea Campaign

World at War #39  |  DEC 2014 – JAN 2015

  • France Fights On: 1940, What If?
  • The Gulag & Punishment Battalions
  • Kamikazes Over Okinawa
  • Hitler’s Wolf’s Lair Headquarters

World at War #38  |  OCT 2014 – NOV 2014

  • Ghost Division: Erwin Rommel & German Mobile Warfare in 1940
  • Rommel on Russia: His 1943 Solution for the Eastern Front
  • The Singapore Raid
  • The Rise & Fall of Tankettes, 1925-40

World at War #37  |  AUG 2014 – SEP 2014

  • The Battle of Bloody Ridge: Guadalcanal, 12-14 September 1942
  • Air Warfare in the 1940 Norway Campaign
  • Map Study: Allied Visions of Victory
  • Scorched Earth: The Fall & Rise of the Wartime Soviet Economy

World at War #36  |  JUN 2014 – JUL 2014

  • Winter Storm: The German Drive to Relieve Stalingrad, December 1942
  • The British in the Battle of the Bulge
  • Map Study: The Will Triumphant Axis Visions of Victory
  • Gliders Over Burma: Operation Thursday

World at War #35  |  APR 2014 – MAY 2014

  • Strike North: Japan vs. the Soviet Union, 1941
  • Stalin’s Red Orchestra: The Spy Ring in Germany & Occupied Europe
  • The Kamenets-Podolsky Pocket: Hube’s Great Escape
  • The Long Range Desert Group & Special Air Service

World at War #34  |  FEB 2014 – MAR 2014

  • Famous Divisions:Guards Armoured
  • The Fall of Hong Kong
  • Portfolio: The Waffen SS in Color
  • Vlasov’s Army

World at War #33  |  DEC 2013 – JAN 2014

  • Operation Shingle: The Anzio Gamble
  • Japanese Military Intelligence & Counterintelligence
  • KIA US Generals
  • A Thorn in Their Side: The Siege of Hanko, 1941

World at War #32  |  OCT 2013 – NOV 2013

  • The Battle of Nomonhan, 1939
  • Lend Lease to Russia
  • Army Group Courland & the Breakwater Strategy
  • Auchinleck vs. Montgomery

World at War #31  |  AUG 2013 – SEP 2013

  • Counterattack in the Ukraine: Dubno, 1941
  • The Maginot Line
  • Slim’s Tanks: Crucial Weapons in an Unlikely Place
  • For Honor & Glory: Maj. Gen. Stanislaw Sosabowski

World at War #30  |  JUN 2013 – JUL 2013

  • Hinge of Fate
  • Lend-Lease
  • Army Group Courland: 1944-45
  • Auchinleck vs. Montgomery

World at War #29  |  APR 2013 – MAY 2013

  • Norway, 1940
  • Reinhard Gehlen: Hitler’s chief of military intelligence
  • The Soviet 1943 Kerch Landings
  • The 1938 Battle of Wuhan: a Japanese offensive

World at War #28  |  FEB 2013 – MAR 2013

  • Green Hell
  • Malta: The Aero-Naval Campaign, 1941-42
  • Stuka: German ground attack aircraft
  • Lake Ladoga Naval War: Late 1941-44
  • Strategic Bombing Panacea

World at War #27  |  DEC 2012 – JAN 2013

  • Operations Olympic & Coronet
  • Historians Debate Operation Barbarossa
  • The Atlantic Wall: 1940-44

World at War #26  |  OCT – NOV 2012

  • Race to the Reichstag
  • The He-177 Heavy Bomber
  • Battle of Kunlun Pass: Japanese vs. Chinese, 1939
  • German Surface Raider Strategy

World at War #25  |  AUG – SEP 2012

  • Keren 1941
  • US vs. Japanese Strategy: 1941-45
  • German Strategy on the Eastern Front: 1944-45
  • Juno Beach: Canadian Army o D-Day, June 6 1944
  • WW #25: Pg. 50-51 additional chart  |  AUG – SEP 2012

World at War #24  |  JUN – JUL 2012

  • Sedan: The Decisive Battle for France, May 1940
  • The Spanish Civil War Air War
  • Japanese Armor Doctrine
  • Operation Carnivore

World at War #23  |  APR – MAY 2012

  • Pacific Battles: Guadalcanal
  • Sword Beach
  • The Stalin Line
  • The Churchill Conspiracy

World at War #22  |  FEB – MAR 2012

  • Minsk '44
  • Green US Forces at Kasserine, 1943
  • Savo Island
  • Hitler’s Military Conferences

World at War #21  |  DEC – JAN 2011

  • The Rhineland War, 1936-37
  • RAF Bomber Command
  • The Jiangxi Soviet
  • Merrill’s Marauders

World at War #20  |  OCT – NOV 2011

  • Gross Deutschland Panzer
  • I Remember: Sgt. John Shirley & the Anzio Battle Sleds
  • The 1932 Shanghai Incident
  • To Sink a Warship

World at War #19  |  AUG – SEP 2011

  • Hardest Days: Turning Points in the Battle of Britain, 1940
  • Tarawa Was A Brawl
  • Afrikakorps Logisitcs, 1941-43
  • German East Front Fortifications

World at War #18  |  JUN – JUL 2011

  • The South Seas Campaign, 1942-43
  • The Battle of Changkufeng Hill, 1938
  • The Battle of Hatten-Rittershofen, 1945
  • Soviet Air Power, 1941-45

World at War #17  |  APR – MAY 2011

  • Leningrad ’41: What If Manstein had Attacked?
  • Mahan’s Theory in the Pacific
  • Southern France Invasion
  • Italian War Plans

World at War #16  |  FEB – MAR 2011

  • Partizan! The War in Yugoslavia
  • Malta Invasion Plan
  • The German Poltava Raid: Start of the Cold War?

World at War #15  |  DEC 2010 – JAN 2011

  • Soft Underbelly: Allied & German Strategy in the 1943 Italian Campaign
  • Double Cross: The War between MI-5 & German Intelligence
  • The Battle of Sangshak: Bloody Curtain Raiser in Burma
  • Analysis: The Polish Military at the Start of World War II

World at War #14  |  OCT – NOV 2010

  • Invasion Pearl Harbor: What If the Japanese Invaded?
  • Greek Civil War: Prequel to Cold War
  • Bzura Counteroffensive, Poland
  • Japanese Production Strategy

World at War #13  |  AUG – SEP 2010

  • Guards Tank: The Battle of Prochorovka, July 1943
  • Red Armor at Kursk
  • 1945 Manchurian Front
  • Hurtgen: Vicious Forest Fight

World at War #12  |  JUN – JUL 2010

  • 1940: What If Hitler Turned East?
  • Romania in WW2
  • Matapan: Italian Naval Fiasco
  • Arming the Free French

World at War #11  |  APR – MAY 2010

  • Afrikakorps: Decision in the Desert, 1941-42
  • Campaign in the Desert, 1940-42: Organizational & Tactical Factors
  • Romania in World War II
  • Savo Island: Night of the Cruisers
  • Overview & Analysis: World War II German Airborne Operations

World at War #10  |  FEB – MAR 2010

  • The Battle of the Coral Sea, May 1942
  • The Second Crimean War
  • The Dodecanese Campaign: Germany’s Last Offensive in the Med
  • Eggheads at War: Operations Research in World War II

World at War #9  |  DEC 2009 – JAN 2010

  • Field Marshal Ernst Busch & the Destruction of Army Group Center
  • Orde Wingate: Pioneer of Spec Ops
  • Southern Bomber Command: Fifteenth Air Force in Action
  • I Remember: Tarawa from the Ground Up

World at War #8  |  OCT – NOV 2009

  • The Spanish Civil War: A Strategic Analysis
  • Patton’s Raid on Hammelburg
  • Japan’s World War II Oilers & Tankers
  • Slovakia in World War II
  • The Organization of the Red Army at the Start of WW II

World at War #7  |  AUG – SEP 2009

  • The Italo-Greek War: Harbinger of Failure
  • Mussolini’s Last Victory: The Italian Conquest of Albania
  • Operation Long Jump: Hitler’s Attempted Triple Play
  • Struggle for Okinawa, 1945
  • History Turned at Fort Eben Emael

World at War #6  |  JUN – JUL 2009

  • The Greater East Asia War: A Strategic Analysis
  • Joachim von Ribbentrop: Imbecile or Foreign Policy Colossus?
  • Naval Strategy in the Mediterranean Theater of Operations 1939-45
  • Med War Post-Mortem
  • Skorzeny Strikes: Coup in Budapest, 1944

World at War #5  |  APR – MAY 2009

  • War at the Top of the World: The Finnish Front, 1941-42
  • Their Greatest Day: From Disaster to Victory on Omaha Beach
  • The Other Ribbentrop
  • Saburo Sakai’s Longest Day

World at War #4  |  FEB – MAR 2009

  • Command of the Air: A Brief History of US Strategic Airpower in World War II
  • Blair Mayne of the Special Air Service
  • Issue in Doubt: The Battle of Wake Island, 8-23 December 1941
  • Independent Operational Group Polesie: Final Battle of the Polish Campaign, 1939

World at War #3  |  DEC – JAN 2009

  • The Battle of the Bulge: The Reich’s Last Chance
  • The Battle of the Cherkassy Pocket
  • The Dyhernfurth Raid, Silesia, 1945
  • All the Way Went LBJ
  • Soviet Army Organization, 1942-45

World at War #2  |  OCT – NOV 2008

  • The Solomons Campaign: Joint Warfare in the South Pacific, Aug 1942-Feb 1943
  • Bodenplatte 1945: Goering’s New Year’s Resolution
  • The Battle for Gdynia & the Polish Corridor, 1939
  • Strasbourg 1945: First Act in the Cold War

World at War #1  |  AUG – SEP 2008

  • Barbarossa: The Russo-German War
  • A Drop Zone Too Far: Operation Market Garden
  • Amerika Bombers: Luftwaffe Plans to
  • BIAK: The War in the Pacific’s Unknown Blunder